An Interactive Novel

The Candlelit Mine


You make your way through the streets of Sunshire and find your way to the Mining Guild. As you walk in, you notice all of the miners are panicking with a few of the men in the pack nursing some gaping wounds. “Adventurers…” mutters the one miner who doesn’t appear to be nursing any wounds. He walks toward you with a frantic intent to look at you closely. “Please, the miner’s in his guild need your assistance. The local mine, the Candlelit Mine, has been overrun by these foul vermin, the Kobolds. If you were to head in there and get rid of them, we would be in your debt.”


The Mine's Opening

Upon arriving at the mind, the smell of sulfur and other burning items fills your nostrils. You breathe in the foul odor and realize that there is still a presence in the mine. With a soft sign, you move past the odors and into the large opening in front of you. You walk into the mine to see several carts destroyed against the walls and equipment scattered about. You examine the area closely, noticing two of the creatures you heard about charging up from the lower areas in the cave.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 2


The two kobolds are tossed to the side without much of a fuss and you’re left to continue on in the deeper pockets of the mine. As you descend down the pathway into the next area, you notice yourself standing in an area that forks off into three paths. The first path, from what you can tell, heads down to an underground spring; the sound of trickling water comforts you while you gaze down the path. Fog is coming up from the path, obscuring your vision slightly. The path in the center goes straight back in a dark area in the back of the cave. The path on the right is very well lit and appears to head to an already mined out area of the cave.


As you’re staring at the paths, three more kobolds burrow through the ground beneath your feet to ambush you.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 3


The kobolds are defeated and fall back into the holes from whence they came, leaving only rubble in their wake. In a moment of respite, you're able to make your decision on which path to take.


The left path, into the fog and toward the water.


The center path, into the darkness.


The right path, into the bright tunnel.


Into the Fog

You take the path to the right and travel down into the foggy area. You descend down the path, trying to keep your eyes focused on any other the small kobolds. You make your way down the path and find yourself in an area with an underground lake. Around it, several kobolds are drinking from the water and collecting it in large, clay containers.


As you’re peering across the area with brightly lit torches along all of the rocky walls, several of the kobold near the entrance take notice of your presence. Without warning or provocation, they charge toward you and attack.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 3


The three small kobolds fall over and into the lake, their corpses floating on the surface of the water instead of sinking to the bottom. The large splash and the fierce battle draws the attention of the rest of the kobolds around the lake. Howling and snarling,they race toward you with their weapons drawn.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 2 Kobold x 2


You notice the strength of the kobolds increasing, with three larger kobolds running into to try and stop you.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 3


All of the kobolds around the lake have been defeated, leaving you alone to examine the area around the lake unabated. You walk through the area slowly, keeping your eyes out for more kobolds but also riches and rewards. You see a path near you that goes straight past the lake and into a smaller area. As you move toward it, you see a shimmering item next to the lake. You walk down and find a yellow crystal sitting their innocently.


Obtain one of the following: Shard of Restoration, Shard of Focus, Shard of Sight, Shard of Valor, Shard of Energy, Shard of Cunning, Shard of Iron Will, Shard of Illusions, Shard of Deception, Shard of Blunt Fists, Shard of the Devout, Shard of the Harvest, Shard of Executions, Shard of the Arcane Guardian


You step away from the lake and walk through the opening in the cave to find a few huts built in the area. As you walk back there, you see three kobolds run out of the huts with a very large kobold appearing from the center hut. The larger kobold screams loudly as he orders the other three to attack.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 3 and Kobold Boss


The four kobolds fall harmlessly to the ground. You walk over to the wall and grab one of the torches and start destroying the huts in the room. Your job was to eradicate the kobolds and you’re doing your job.


You walk out of the cave and back into Sunshire. You arrive at the miner’s guild to collect your generous reward.


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Axe, Copper Scythe, Copper Greatsword, Straight Pole, Simple Bow


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Sword, Copper Dagger, Bronze Runeblade, Copper Spear, Simple Stick


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Circlet, Copper Helm, Leather Hat


Acquire One of the Following: Leather Getup, Copper Armor, Cotton Robe


All players gain 200 shard experience.


The Party earns 300 gold.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Into the Darkness

You grab a torch off of the wall and use it to illuminate your path. You walk through the dark path to find that the mining in there stopped. As you walk further into the darkness, you start to find the bodies of some of the miners that you were sent in to find. As you look around, you also find the bodies of several kobold scattered about.


A large scuffle took place here. This was where the kobolds came in from. You look at the small holes on the sides of the walls where the kobolds burrowed through to ambush the miners. You continue on down the path as it gets more narrow, eventually reaching a large dropping point. You look down to see that it only drops for a few feet, but leads to another path for you to take.


You drop down the hole and continue on down the path, traveling a few hundred yards before reaching a large clearing with a giant pyre in the center of the cave. A large vent is above the pyre, venting the smoke and providing some light from outside. Several kobolds are dancing around the pyre with an incredibly large kobold behind the pyre cheering them on.


The smaller kobolds notice you encroaching on their area. They turn toward you and immediately attack.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 3


The first kobolds are tossed to the side, but another set, a larger set, comes to attack you.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 2


As the two kobolds fall to the ground, another set charge in.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 2


The final kobolds fall to the ground, only leaving the very large kobold and two subordinates in front of him. He screams loudly, filling the area before charging toward you.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 2 and Kobold Boss


The kobolds are on the ground in front of you. In the palm of the very large kobold, you notice a faintly glowing shard in his hand. You reach down and pick it up.


Obtain one of the following: Shard of Restoration, Shard of Focus, Shard of Sight, Shard of Valor, Shard of Energy, Shard of Cunning, Shard of Iron Will, Shard of Illusions, Shard of Deception, Shard of Blunt Fists, Shard of the Devout, Shard of the Harvest, Shard of Executions, Shard of the Arcane Guardian


You walk out of the cave and back into Sunshire. You arrive at the miner’s guild to collect your generous reward.


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Axe, Copper Scythe, Copper Greatsword, Straight Pole, Simple Bow


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Sword, Copper Dagger, Bronze Runeblade, Copper Spear, Simple Stick


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Circlet, Copper Helm, Leather Hat


Acquire One of the Following: Leather Getup, Copper Armor, Cotton Robe


All players gain 200 shard experience.


The Party earns 300 gold.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Into the Bright Tunnel

You opt to walk through the brightly lit tunnel, thinking that if any of the kobolds are in here, they’ll be down this path. You take  a few steps down the path and find the first set of kobolds chewing on, what you perceive to be, human bones.


Commence Battle with Lesser Kobold x 4


The kobolds are tossed aside and you’re able to continue your trek through the cave. You walk down the brightly lit slope, keeping your eyes out and eventually find a set of human remains resting in the center of the path. You kneel down, looking at the body to see if you can find anything useful on him. You rummage through his jacket, finding a locket in the inside pocket. You open the locket, seeing a picture of two young girls while on the back of the locket, a small gem is resting comfortably.


Obtain one of the following: Shard of Restoration, Shard of Focus, Shard of Sight, Shard of Valor, Shard of Energy, Shard of Cunning, Shard of Iron Will, Shard of Illusions, Shard of Deception, Shard of Blunt Fists, Shard of the Devout, Shard of the Harvest, Shard of Executions, Shard of the Arcane Guardian


As you’re pulling the shard off of the locket, you notice a patrol of Kobolds coming near you. You draw your weapon and prepare to engage them.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 2


You run past the kobold patrol, having defeated them. You run down the hallway and reach a large clearing with a tall structure in the center. You see a very tall kobold in the center, screaming and chanting in a language you don’t understand. You approach the kobolds, knowing that you’ve been tasked with eradicating this threat.


Commence Battle with Kobold x 4


The large Kobold in the center of the room runs toward you and attacks after watching you defeat the previous kobolds.


Commence Battle with Kobold Boss


The kobolds are all lying about the area, defeated and dying. You walk out of the cave and back into Sunshire. You arrive at the miner’s guild to collect your generous reward.


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Axe, Copper Scythe, Copper Greatsword, Straight Pole, Simple Bow


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Sword, Copper Dagger, Bronze Runeblade, Copper Spear, Simple Stick


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Circlet, Copper Helm, Leather Hat


Acquire One of the Following: Leather Getup, Copper Armor, Cotton Robe


All players gain 200 shard experience.


The Party earns 300 gold.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store



Kobold Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
50 1 4 4 6
Toss Stone (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.
Toss Explosive (17+) Deal damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets are inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.
Kobold Boss
Kobold Boss Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
175 4 7 7 6
Toss Stone (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.
Toss Explosive (14+) Deal damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets are inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.
Detonate (18+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All players must discard their fields and are inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.
Lesser Kobold
Lesser Kobold Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
25 2 4 0 7
Toss Stone (14+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is inflicted with Stun for 1 turn.