An Interactive Novel

Fey Forest


You’ve been approached by a traveling group of merchants and magistrates from Teledres, a kingdom to the far North. In a panic, the Queen has asked you to track down her daughter, who was taken by, what she perceives to be, a band of thieves. She saw them head to the South, though she couldn’t tell if they were headed into one of the caverns or into the thick forest ahead. You’ve agreed to help her find her daughter and head south, noticing tracks and other clues from where the whereabouts are.


Entrance to the Forest

As you step foot into the area outside of the forest, you take note of your surroundings in the hopes that you can find a clue to which direction the bandits took her. In the center of the area, a pink bow rests in between four uniquely different paths, narrowing down her whereabouts to four possible outcomes.


To the far left, toward the thick woods, you notice the branches have been broken. You cannot tell if there was a struggle or not, but it appears to have been broken recently.


To the left of center, you notice a path that appears to have been traversed recently. You can see footprints on them that appear to be humanoid, but you don’t know how fresh they are.


To the right of center, you see another trail that heads off in another direction, though this one doesn’t appear to have been traversed on recently. However, some of the leaves have been disturbed at some point and the trail is clearly marked.


To the far right, you see a trail that leads down to a large entrance to a cave. Some of the dirt in front of the trail has been moved around recently, as well as a few scuff marks around the entrance of the cave.


Which direction are you going?


Far Left, Into the Thicket


Left- Center, Down the Well-Traversed Path


Right-Center, Down the Well-Marked Trail


Far Right, Into the Cave

Into the Thicket

You walk through the broken branches and twigs in the thicket to find yourself surrounded by brambles, thorns, and other sharp, natural objects. Above you, the canopy is dense but the sun manages to find its way through to light up the path beneath your feet. You step on small branches while moving around slowly, yet freely, with some branches snapping beneath your feet and echoing through the surrounding forest. 


You travel through for thirty minutes, eventually making your way to a clearing. The sun shines down and illuminates a lush patch of green grass that almost appears to be completely undisturbed. At the edge of the clearing, you notice more broken branches and a denser thicket to the left, while the right has a reasonably clear trail. Your path forks. Which direction will you head?


Left, Further Into the Thicket


Right. Down the Well-Traversed Trail

The Well-Marked Path

You walk down the path, noticing that it is a bit rough but traversable. Rocks are on both sides of the trail to denote that it has been sectioned off; someone has taken the time to mark up the boundaries of this trail. You continue your trek, heading down a small incline but making your way to the trees.


You find yourself in a heavily wooded area. Ahead, you see a small stream that leads to the cave you saw earlier while to your left, you can see a trail that will lead to, where you perceive to the other trail from earlier. Oddly enough, on your right, you see a ladder that is affixed to the tree. You look up to see several pathways and catwalks that connect the trees together.


While you’re looking up into the canopy, an arrow comes whizzing past your head and sticks into one of the trees. You turn quickly to find three warriors, all wearing beautiful feather headdresses, emerge from the trees and preemptively attack you.


Commence Battle with Feathered Warrior x 3


The warriors fall to the ground, having just been vanquished. They possess nothing of value, though their corpses will remain on the ground. You need to move quickly, as you’re sure more of these warriors will be coming. Which direction will you head?


Down the Path to the Left and down the Well-Traversed Path


Follow the River into the Cave (Into the Cave)


Head up Into the Treetops

The Well-Traversed Trail

You walk down a trail to find yourself in a very peaceful and serene setting. The trees are tall and the path is very well manicured. On both sides of the path, the thicket is dense and clearly outlines your path. You continue along and eventually find a small  bear cub sitting in the center of the path. You look at the cub as he looks at you, clearly frightened to see someone. You kneel down and look forward into the eyes of the frightened creature. You hold out your hand and try and approach the cub, hoping that he will allow you to pet him peacefully and that you can walk past him. As you get near though, the cub disappears into thin air and the path that you're on becomes shrouded in a haze. You turn around to see that the path behind you is now overgrown with a thick bramble and in no way is it traversable. 


The sky turns a dark grey as you look ahead to see a shadowy figure emerge. He’s a tall man wearing a feathery headdress. He’s holding a large staff while staring at you with an evil glare. He slams the base of the staff onto the ground and another creature appears in front of you. A large direbear, standing on his back legs to make him over ten-feet tall, emerges. He growls loudly while looking down at you. With a violent roar, the direbear charges toward you and attacks. 


Commence Battle: Direbear x 1


The direbear’s body vanishes and the man who summoned him is also gone. Behind you, the path is still covered in brambles. You take a moment and examine it before turning around to look down the path. The only way you can go is forward, and after a few short moments, you begin your trek again.  


You continue down the path, noticing the darkness above has not relinquished. The clouds are dark and full, appearing to be ready to pour rain. The path is very dismal and drab, but eventually, you end up in a large clearing. In the center, you find a quaint house that doesn't seem as if it belongs. Around the clearing, large brambles create a thicket that blocks off the path forward. As you walk forward toward the house, the path behind you closes up and you are fully surrounded by the thicket.  


Unable to leave the area, you walk toward the house, feeling as if the forest is trying to send you into the misplaced home. The house is stark white with large glass windows and columns outside the front door. You stand in front of it and can see two ways into the house, feeling as if you're being pulled in. You can enter through the front door, which appears to be open, or you can enter through the cellar, which is closed up but can be opened with minimal effort. 


Enter Through the Front Door


Enter Through the Cellar

Into the Cave

You walk down the path and into the cave. The walls are smooth and the floor is damp. The air has a mist in it that makes your skin crawl as you continue down into the depths. You walk down a slight incline to find your way to a large opening. In the opening, you find several skeletons lining the room with a large obelisk in the center. On top of the obelisk, a bright blue light bathes the ceiling in ambiance.


You walk toward the center of the room, examining the obelisk as a feeling of warmth overtakes you. You feel comfortable as your eyes close. A feeling of immense relaxation comes over you. As your eyes are closed, you hear a very loud screech fill the area. You open your eyes to find a very large Naga staring at you, preparing to devour your skin for her next meal.


Commence Battle with Lesser Naga


The Naga falls to the ground with a loud thud. The blue light of the obelisk flickers before fading out and a small gem crashes to the floor.


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of Iron Skin, Shard of Iron Barbs, Shard of Iron Knowledge, Shard or Rage, Shard of Enlightenment


You pick up the shard and feel the warmth of it. The cave is open and you walk through to the next room.


Proceed to the Underground Oasis

Further Into the Thicket

You enter the thicket to find it much denser than the previous area, though still traversable. Beneath your feet, the thick shrubs and brambles crumble into the soft ground. The sun still shines through the canopy, though it is much dimmer. Larger branches from neighboring trees cover the path and you're forced to push them away with your hands. You try and look ahead, but the branches that cover the trail impede your ability to look too far down the path. However, as you push another branch to the side, you are able to vaguely see a stone statue in the distance. You are unable to make out what the statue is, but with a few more steps, you should be able to. You take another step onto a piece of ground that is clear and void of any vegetation. As you place your foot on the ground, it gives out and you find yourself sliding down a steep incline into the abyss below you. 


The incline eases up and you land on your feet, having slid several feet down into the depths of a cave. You hear water coming from somewhere, though are unable to make out where it is actually coming from. You look around to see thick, natural stone walls around you but an abundance of light coming from the far end of the tunnel. Away from the light, you see another tunnel that is much more dimly lit, though also easily traversable. It is impossible to make your way back up the ramp.


Which tunnel will you travel down?


The brightly lit tunnel.


The dimly light tunnel.

The Brightly Lit Tunnel

You walk down the brightly lit tunnel to find it very well taken care of. Torches line the wall at an evenly distributed space to keep the tunnel brightly lit. In between each torch, you see an ornate mosaic, all depicting small winged creatures surrounding a much larger one. You examine one of the mosaics and can deduce that the larger winged creature must be the leader with the smaller ones either being the creature's children or subordinates.


With each step, however, you feel the air getting colder. You make your way down the tunnel to the end to see a large statue at the end of it. It is constructed of solid stone and depicts a beautiful woman wearing a feather headdress. The woman, standing tall and proud, has a sapphire placed in each eye. The sapphires appear to be loose and could be taken out. The path ends here, though you ponder what would happen if you take out one of the sapphires. What do you do?


Remove a Sapphire


Head to the Dimly Lit Tunnel

The Dimly Lit Tunnel

The dimly lit tunnel contained rough walls with a green hue, though as you walked down the corridor, the walls turned to a very light and calming shade of blue. The floor was rough and the air was dry as you made your way down the tunnel. Torches, several feet apart, lit up the area enough for you to see where you were walking, but not far enough in front of you to see to the end.


As you make your way down the tunnel, you come up to a fork with two bright lights coming from different areas. To your right, you hear can hear the trickling of a stream and what might be the crashing of water against rocks while to your left, you can hear the sounds of the wind howling around the area. Which direction down the fork will you take?


Toward the Sound of Water and the Underground Oasis


Toward the Sound of Wind and The Shadow Trail

Removing a Sapphire

As you remove the left Sapphire, you feel an uneasiness come over you. Your stomach starts to quiver as you look around, hearing a loud bang and a rumble behind you. A door opens up from the ceiling and two men, both armed with spears and wearing large headdresses and clothing covered in feathers appear.


Commence Battle: Feathered Warrior x 2


The two warriors fall to the ground, their wounds far too great for them to carry on. Blood pools around their torsos as the life fades from their eyes. You stare at the two bodies, looking at the feathers on the them to see that they are not of a common bird, but are long with brown tips and a white base. As you examine the feathers, the sound of feet pounding against the stone floor echoes off the walls in the hallway. You look up to see three more feathered warriors charging toward you with their spears drawn.


Commence Battle: Feathered Warrior x 3


With the three warriors vanquished, you don’t hear anything else coming. The hallway is vacant as you look up at the statue. While staring at it for a few passing moments, the floor beneath your feet is removed out from under you. You drop the sapphire a you descend for several feet, landing in a soft bed of feathers that are identical to what the warriors were wearing. 


You roll out of the bed and onto your feet, looking up to see several warriors looking down on you as they cheer. You exhale slowly while they mock you, having fallen into their trap. The foul smell of molted feathers fill your nostrils as you turn your head to examine the room. It is small and almost like a square with stone walls like what was above you. Against the walls you see several bushels of straw and along the floor you find several molted feathers. You hear an odd noise coming from the shadows of the room and four creatures emerge. With the face of a woman and remarkably sharp claws for hands and talons on their feet, the creatures shriek at you loudly before flying toward you with their claws out to attack. 


Commence Battle: Lesser Harpy x 4


Upon defeating the four winged creatures, known as harpies, you look around the room to see the remains of several victims who have fallen to these creatures before your arrival. You search for any fresh remains, only finding some of older villagers and merchants. You cannot find one that appears to be a younger female. Upon finishing the search, you walk back to the feathery bed to find the sapphire resting comfortably in the center. You pick it up and examine it closely, discovering that it is not a common sapphire, but an Ul'mann Shard. The knowledge radiating from it is faint, but you can deduce that with some time, you can become proficient with the knowledge of the Gods. 


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of Iron Skin, Shard of Iron Barbs, Shard of Iron Knowledge, Shard or Rage, Shard of Enlightenment


You look ahead to see a door at the end of the room opening, revealing your only way out of this is to move forward. You walk into an area similar to the one behind you. Inside, you notice several eggs with several of the creatures you just slain sitting on them and tending to them. However, these creatures appear to be docile and are more concerned with their eggs than you walking into the room.


You walk through the center of the room, still looking over your shoulder to see the harpies still minding to their eggs. You walk past the center of the room and hear a loud slide above you. The harpies are alerted to the slide and look up toward the center of the room. From the ceiling, a brown, thick substance falls to the ground and coats the floor. The harpies, incensed, fly toward it and begin filling their mouths.


Their eggs are unguarded while they eat. To the far end of the room, you notice a small door that you can make your way out of. Do you try to make your way out the door or do you try and disturb the nest?


Go to the door and Into the Outer Hallway


Disturb the Nests

Disturb the Nests

You walk up to the first nest you find and lean over the egg. Before you can touch it, the harpies are alerted to you. The entire group of harpies shriek loudly as you take a step back in fear. They open up their wings prominently in a display of power and you are immediately taken aback. You step back slightly as the harpies all attack you at once. 


Commence Battle: Lesser Harpy x 10.


Upon defeating the massive horde of harpies, you hear a rummaging from underneath some straw at the far end of the room. You look out to see four larger harpies emerging from their slumber. They are considerably larger then other ten you just slaughtered with wings that span much further and feathers that are larger and more vibrant. Their arms and legs are much more muscular and defined and their faces are a bit more aged with  some light scarring on the cheeks and brow. As the larger harpies view the carnage before them, they release a loud shriek and attack. 


Commence Battle: Harpy x 4


With the four tougher harpies vanquished, you realize that being in this room isn’t wise anymore. You walk away from the eggs and over to the door to find it partially open. As you place your hands on it, you hear a loud screech from the far end of the room behind you. You turn around and look up to the ceiling to see a very large loft above you with with small pieces of hay falling quietly from the ceiling. Immensely large wings that span the entirety of the loft can be seen from where you are standing and the thud from the creature walking can be heard. You affix your eyes to the wooden loft as the creature, a massive harpy, stands on the edge of her loft. She bellows loudly with her screams rattling the rafters above you, sending dust and debris to the ground. Her eyes are affixed on you as you adjust your handling on your weapon. She peers down at the carnage that you have created with a concerned gaze. You stare up at the large harpy as she descends majestically to the ground, flapping her wings lightly before landing softly on the stone floor. She stares at you while you stand defensively, waiting for the massive creature to strike. You look above the head of the massive harpy to see the word 'Beatrice' written on the base of the wooden loft. You readjust your eyes to keep them affixed on Beatrice before she flaps her wings mightily and shrieks loudly. 


Commence Battle: Beatrice


Beatrice, the legendary harpy, falls to the ground. It’s body fades away into dust as its feathers fall off and drift away. You look toward the center of the room, where the Harpy was, and in its place is a large green shard, as well as a single remaining feather that is radiating with power. 


Acquire one of the following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


Acquire: Beatrice's Pinion


You turn and walk toward the door, noticing it open and walking through to the next area.


Proceed to the Outer Hallway.

The Outer Hallway

You find yourself in a hallway much similar to the one you were in before descending into the Harpy Pit. Torches line the wall at even distribution to light it brightly as you make your way down the hallway. You walk several feet, noticing the only place you can go is at the end of the hall, which is illuminated by a very bright, white light. Once at the end of the hallway, you walk out to find yourself standing outside at the end of a cliff. To your left, you see a path that leads toward several trees. To your right, you see another path that looks like it leads down into the forest. On this path, several feathers line the path while the other path is clear. Which path do you take?


To the treetops


Toward The Feathery Path

The Feathery Path

You follow the feathery path down into the forest. Several feathers line the path, all of different hues, sizes, and shapes. A calm breeze blows through the trees and against your skin, relaxing you a bit while you continue your trek. The path is long and winding, and you travel down it for several minutes. You listen, hearing screeches, as well as chirps all around. You assume the harpies are near, though you currently cannot see them.


You continue to walk, hearing a rustling from above. You pause briefly and look up into the canopy above you. The tree limbs all shake with leaves falling down on you. You affix your gaze into the canopy as three winged harpies emerge and descend toward you with their sharp talons out.  


Commence Battle with Harpy x 3


Upon defeating the Harpies, you look around to see a rummaging from the brush on both sides of the trail. The thicket moves slightly as four humans, all wearing the feathers of the harpies, emerge with their spears out to ambush you. 


Commence Battle: Feathered Warrior x 4


The warriors' bodies lay on the ground. Their blood soaks the soil beneath their corpses, along with the freshly slain harpies. You take a breath and compose yourself, feeling uneasy about where you are headed. You drop to one knee to survey the path, seeing a great number of feathers lying along the dirt and grass. Though unsure that you will find the girl you've set out to rescue, you continue along the path. 


The feathers along the path grow in quantity as you march along. Eventually, you reach the end of the path and find yourself in the a lush oasis, surrounded by harpies sitting on and guarding their eggs. Like earlier, the harpies have no interest in you while they are on their eggs, though they are keeping watch while you walk through the area. You walk toward the center of the oasis, noticing a path that heads through a small lake. As you reach the center, you find a large harpy sitting on a throne. The harpy remains quiet as he looks down upon you.


His throne is magnificent, constructed of a white stone with neatly placed straw resting upon its surface. He is heavily scarred across his torso, potentially from years of ambushes from their human hunters. As you walk up, you see how prominent his feathers are and how radiant the colors on each plume are. His face is easily recognizable and his beauty is immeasurable. The Harpy King looks to his side to show you the fresh remains of what appears to be a young girl. The Harpy King smiles proudly at his accomplishment as a sense of dread comes over you. You have failed your mission and there is still a massive beast before you. The Harpy King extends his wings prominently and looks up into the heavens as the harpies around the area all shriek loudly. You reach for your weapons and pull them out, knowing that the creature was preparing to attack.


Commence Battle: Harpy King


The leader of the Harpies has been defeated. Several feathered soldiers run through the area and cheer loudly. Their enemy has been vanquished. The harpies, all sitting around and guarding their eggs, are attacked by the feathered warriors. Many escape, though their eggs are unfortunately left for the feathered warriors to take with them. The soldiers, all pleased to see what you have done, toss a small crate of items to you to thank you for your work. Even though you have slain some of their comrades, your deeds in defeating the Harpy King are enough to make things right.


Acquire one of the following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Spear, Brass Dagger


Acquire one of the following: Brass Helm, Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield, Brass Crown


Acquire one of the following: Brass Scythe, Simple Bow, Wooden Scepter, Wool Robe


The girl you were sent after was killed by the harpies. Her mangled corpse is resting against the side of the platform with dried blood all over her face and torso. She appears to have been clawed to death by the razor sharp talons of the harpies. Unfortunately, you are unable to complete your mission.


All Players gain 400 Shard Experience


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store

Into the Treetops

You climb the ladder and reach a small, wooden landing. Around you, you see several other small landings and huts built within the canopy of the forest. You quickly deduce that the feathery warriors must reside in the treetops, as you see rudimentary weapons and clothing sitting next to the huts. Food is scattered near the huts as well, with wooden boxes and crates from merchant caravans stacked against the various huts. As you examine the areas, you find that there is only one path, and it is a small rope bridge that leads to another tree.


You take a step onto the bridge, though peering out through the canopy to see if any of the warriors are going to ambush you. You reach the other landing unabated and can see through the canopy with the path before you splitting off into two directions. To your left, you are able to see through the canopy to see a path that heads down into a forest. The ground to your left is covered in various feathers. To your right, it goes further into the treetops but on the wooden floor are drops of fresh blood.


As you’re examining the paths and deciding on your next move, two arrows fly through the air and force you to duck. From behind, three more warriors come and attack you.


Commence Battle with Feathered Warrior x 3


The bodies of the warriors fall from the landing and down to the ground, landing several feet below you in the thicket. You hear the movement of several people within the treetops, prompting a sense of urgency. You look at the various huts, seeing lights from candles or other small fires flickering from within with warriors running past them and creating shadows. You do not have much time to decide. Which path will you take?


The Feathery Path


The Bloody Path

The Bloody Path

You follow the trail of blood across another rope bridge and onto another landing. You look around to see the bodies of several men and women, though not the body of the girl you were sent to find piled inside one of the huts. The bodies appear to be fresh and they appear to be merchants and travelers. Several of the bodies are missing arms and legs while many more are missing chunks from their torso. The smell is overpowering as you take a step back and turn around. You turn away from the hut and the mangled bodies to see another path, which you take without much question. The smell of the corpses is overpowering and pushes you toward the next catwalk.


On the next landing, you notice more corpses, but these are older and the smell is not as powerful. These corpses, however, are far more mangled and are missing all of their limbs. They all have three holes in their torso: one above the heart, one above the stomach, and one near the intestines. Beside the bodies, you see several large pots and a rudimentary hearth. With your eyes affixed onto the bodies, a large spear flies over your head and sticks into the wooden wall behind the bodies. You turn around abruptly to see three more warriors coming toward you, having discovered the bulk of their food source. 


Commence Battle with Feathered Warrior x 3


The bodies again fall to the ground as they are defeated. However, coming from another direction, a much larger warrior charges in and ambushes you.


Commence Battle with Feathered Champion


The feathery champion hits the ground with a loud thud, his body tattered and bloody from the fight. Around his neck, a golden shard glows brilliantly. You reach down and yank it from him, taking it as your prize.


Acquire one of the following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


You kick his body off of the landing and to the ground below. The body crunches the tree branches and thicket below you. You continue forward onto another catwalk, wondering what you will find ahead of you and if the young girl is still alive. 


You reach the end of the catwalk to find a very large building nestled in the tree. It's got much larger wooden walls and appears to be better constructed than the rest of the huts you have encountered. You walk through the door to find the young girl you are searching for bound to a table with a rope in her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Behind her, a shaman is holding a dagger and preparing to deliver the coup de gras, sacrificing her to someone or something while several warriors stand pat, waiting for the sacrifice to be complete.


The shaman raises the dagger high into the air as your feet slam against the ground. He turns toward you and lowers the dagger before pointing at you in anger. You have disrupted the sacrifice. The warriors standing in the back of the room turn to face you with their weapons drawn. You grab your weapon as you prepare for the impending battle.


Commence Battle with Feathered Warrior x 4


Two large champions from the other side of the room rise up after seeing the warriors defeated. They raise their axes high into the air and scream loudly. The shaman remains near the body with the dagger in his hand as the champions charge toward you and attack.  


Commence Battle with Feathered Champion x 2


The shaman smiles eerily as you defeat the two champions. Six corpses are at your feet as you gaze at the remaining enemy. He holds his dagger prominently before sheathing it and grabbing his staff. He holds it up high and creates a green aura around the recently fallen warriors and champions. The arms and legs of the deceased warriors and champions begin to twitch. Beginning with their fingers and toes, it quickly spreads to their hands and feet and immediately the shins and forearms. You take a step back as the six fallen soldiers rise up to their feet again. The green aura remains around their bodies with the shaman holding out his staff to maintain the enchantment.  The risen warriors lean down and grab their weapons before looking at you with pale white eyes. 


Commence Battle with Feathered Shaman, Reanimated Feathered Champion x 2, Reanimated Feathered Warrior x 4


The bodies of the reanimated soldiers dissolve in front of you, turning into a white ash with the green aura fading away. The shaman drops to his knees with his soul heading to the halls of Vesya for judgment. You run forward and remove the restraints on the young girl on the table. She lunges forward and immediately embraces you. “Thank you,” she mutters as she holds on to you tightly. “Please get me back to my parents. Please.”


You nod slowly as you look around the room for spoils, finding a few useful items before making your exit with the girl in tow.


Acquire one of the following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Spear, Brass Dagger


Acquire one of the following: Brass Helm, Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield, Brass Crown


Acquire one of the following: Brass Scythe, Simple Bow, Wooden Scepter, Wool Robe


You take the young girl back to her family, who are excited and thrilled to see her alive. The mother, the Queen of Teledres, offers you a small trinket for saving her daughter.


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of Iron Skin, Shard of Iron Barbs, Shard of Iron Knowledge, Shard or Rage, Shard of Enlightenment


All Players Gain 400 Shard Experience


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store

The Shadow Trail

You continue down the path, noticing the darkness above is quite prominent. The clouds are dark and full, appearing to be ready to pour rain. The path is very dismal and drab, but eventually, you end up in a large clearing. In the center, you find a quaint house that doesn't seem as if it belongs. Around the clearing, large brambles create a thicket that blocks off the path forward. As you walk forward toward the house, the path behind you closes up and you are fully surrounded by the thicket.  


Unable to leave the area, you walk toward the house, feeling as if the forest is trying to send you into the misplaced home. The house is stark white with large glass windows and columns outside the front door. You stand in front of it and can see two ways into the house, feeling as if you're being pulled in. You can enter through the front door, which appears to be open, or you can enter through the cellar, which is closed up but can be opened with minimal effort. 


Enter Through the Front Door


Enter Through the Cellar

Through the Front Door

As you enter the house, you notice several things seems a bit off. The first, the house is in immaculate condition. The floors are a brightly polished wood while the furniture has been freshly dusted. A fresh aroma emerges from the kitchen as you continue to look around while standing in the foyer. You look forward to see a parlor on your left, filled with several chairs and a bookshelf. Ahead of you, you see a flight of stairs that lead to the upstairs bedrooms while to the right of the staircase, you see a hallway that leads to what you perceive to be the kitchen. 


Which direction will you go?


To the Parlor


To the Kitchen


Upstairs to the Bedrooms

Through the Cellar

You walk down a small staircase into the cellar. It is very dark, save a single candle lighting the area from the center of the room. In the darkness, you can make out several shelves, though you cannot tell what is on them. You walk through slowly, barely able to see what is in front of you and your feet shuffle on the ground. 


You feel an evil aura around you, something that is sending shivers up and down your spine. You stand still for a few moments while the cool air overtakes you. You close your eyes and try to relax, only to have the single light in the room go out.


With a soft exhale, you try to keep your wits about you and remain calm. Suddenly, four candles flicker on the edge of the room and the shaman from earlier is standing the room with you. He smiles wickedly before the lights go out again. You draw your weapon and prepare for combat when the lights turn back on, revealing nothing there.


Panic is starting to take over your emotions as you breathe heavily. You’re still clutching your weapon tightly as you look forward into the shadows. The lights are on and you move slowly through the room while they’re on. You see a door at the far end of the hall that is illuminated at the edges, potentially leading you inside. You walk as fast as you can to the door, only to be tripped up by something scurrying across the floor. You fall and roll onto your back, looking up to see a large creature with a scythe swinging it down at your face.


Commence Battle with Banshee


The Banshee is now just a black robe sitting on the dirty floor. You move toward the door slowly, looking back to make sure you won’t be attacked again. You reach a small staircase and stumble over a box that is blocking it. The box is slightly open and you peel back the lid, finding some clothing that might prove useful.


Acquire one of the following: Wool Robe, Reinforced Clothes, Reinforced Hat


You push the box to the side and open the door in front of you, finding your way into a kitchen. 


Proceed to the Lonely Kitchen

Up the Stairs

You head upstairs to find a single loft with a bed, a night stand, and a bookshelf. The walls are old and constructed completely of wood with a vaulted wooden ceiling above you. Though the house appears to be in good repair from the inside, you still get a feeling of uneasiness as you look around the room.  You cannot find the master of the house here, but you do find a crate with some potentially useful things.


Acquire: Silver Runeblade


Acquire: Simple Staff


Upon acquiring the items, you turn around and opt to head back downstairs to enter either the Parlor or the Kitchen.


Proceed downstairs into the parlor


Proceed downstairs into the Lonely Kitchen

The Parlor

As you walk into the parlor, you notice the bookshelves and the numerous amounts of tomes and scrolls resting upon them. The furniture is constructed of wood and leather and appears to be very well kept up. There is no dust to be found and the room is in immaculate condition. You walk through the room, hoping to see who the master of this house is.


You see two columns on the end of the room with two painted portraits on both sides of the room. The first is of a woman who is sitting regally in a chair wearing a green dress with trees and a beautiful house in the background. The second is of a man wearing a green robe, through his chest is revealed. He’s holding a white staff in his left hand as his eyes stare into the distance. As you’re looking into his eyes, it appears as if he is staring at you.


You step away from the paintings and look at the two paintings as you hear a rustling behind you. Several brambles have filled the area where you are standing. The paintings in front of you start to move and the two people come to life. They step out of the paintings and scream, attacking you without provocation.


Commence Battle with Banshee x 2.


Upon slaying the creatures from the paintings, you look around the room to see that the parlor has transformed. The beautiful furniture has now become covered in dust and tipped over. The magnificent features of the room have transformed into a more disgusting and disheveled area. The two paintings, however, are still there. The woman is now appearing to be holding a large staff while staring toward you while the man appears to be defeated and slumped over. The two paintings move again and attack once more.


Commence Battle with Banshee x 2.    


The paintings are in tatters and on the floor. You take a step back as the cloth turns to ash and a black figure emerges. Holding a large staff in his hands, the gigantic figure casts a massive over the room as a wind starts to swirl within the wooden confines of the parlor. Within moments, the shadowy figure comes forward in an attempt to slay you. 


Commence Battle with Elder Banshee x 1


The room is still in a disheveled state as you look around. The paintings are gone but where the final creature was, a large shard sits in the center of the floor.


Acquire One of the Following: Shard of Iron Skin, Shard of Iron Barbs, Shard of Iron Knowledge, Shard or Rage, Shard of Enlightenment


A door appears where the paintings were, offering you the only way out of the room and to the outside. You walk out of the house and find yourself in a courtyard. As your feet touch the stone ground, ivy begins to grow behind to cover the door from which you just left. Though not as stiff as the brambly thicket, the ivy still makes it near impossible to go back into the house. A pathway leads from the door of the house out into the center, where underneath a large awning, four men wearing green robes are on their knees praying toward a man standing in front of them.


The man in the center wears green robes with white trim and a white tassel around his neck. He looks down at the four men kneeling before him and waves his arms, preaching to them while they show their utmost devotion.


“My children, your devotion to Talges is unwavering and unmatched. The winds of fortune will always be at your back and your aim will always be true,” says the man in the center. He looks up and sees you standing in behind those who are worshiping. He motions for you to come up and kneel beside one of his followers. You feel an uneasy comfort by his proposition. However, to the left, you see an opening to leave the courtyard. What do you do?


Go up and kneel


Walk away from him and toward the other end of the courtyard to Continue Down the Dark Trail

The Lonely Kitchen

You walk into the kitchen to find it empty, though the smell of something wonderful fills your nostrils. Over a fire toward the end of the room, a small pot is holding some substance, filling the kitchen with a wonderful aroma. Neatly stacked black pots and cauldrons line the walls with spoons and other utensils hanging from hooks over them. Though out of place, you feel welcome in the kitchen. You walk toward the hearth, wondering what the aroma from the cauldron actually is. You peer over the edge to see an orangish liquid simmering and as your head hangs over it, you hear a faint knock behind you. You lift your head from out of the cauldron to see an elderly woman sitting in a chair, watching you walk through her kitchen.  


“Can I help you?” she asks rudely. “I wasn’t expecting company.”


She looks at you with scorn as you step away from the pot. You’ve found the master of the house and she is an older lady who appears to be quite slow and fragile. “I asked if I could help you?” she asks again rudely, this time appearing to be a bit more demonstrative.


As you look at the old woman, the Shaman walks into the kitchen from a side door. With his staff in his hand, he looks down at the old lady. “I told you I could keep them company,” she says as she looks up at him. He slams the bottom of his staff down on the ground. The old lady rises to her feet, feeling an energy coursing through her veins. Her eyes begin to glow a pale green as the muscles in her body start to gyrate. Within moments, her skin is starting to fall off of her skin and she leaps toward you.


Commence Battle with Banshee


With the old lady defeated, you look back to see if you can find the shaman. Once again, he has disappeared. Brambles have formed near the hallway where he came from and the only way out is through the door at the end of the kitchen.


You walk out of the house and find yourself in a courtyard. As your feet touch the stone ground, ivy begins to grow behind to cover the door from which you just left. Though not as stiff as the brambly thicket, the ivy still makes it near impossible to go back into the house. A pathway leads from the door of the house out into the center, where underneath a large awning, four men wearing green robes are on their knees praying toward a man standing in front of them.


The man in the center wears green robes with white trim and a white tassel around his neck. He looks down at the four men kneeling before him and waves his arms, preaching to them while they show their utmost devotion.


“My children, your devotion to Talges is unwavering and unmatched. The winds of fortune will always be at your back and your aim will always be true,” says the man in the center. He looks up and sees you standing in behind those who are worshiping. He motions for you to come up and kneel beside one of his followers. You feel an uneasy comfort by his proposition. However, to the left, you see an opening to leave the courtyard. What do you do?


Go up and kneel


Walk away from him and toward the other end of the courtyard to Continue Down the Dark Trail

Kneeling Before the Sermon

You walk up and kneel down in front of the man in front. You mimic the people beside you, dropping to a single knee while bowing your head, though keeping your eyes focused on the man in front of you. “You’ve made a wise decision, child,” he says to you while you look up to him. “May the winds of Talges sway over you and enrich your soul. The great Talges, God of the Atmosphere, took his divine powers to create the air that you breathe and the wind that chills your skin. He was the mastermind who did what none of the other Gods could. He is what allows you to live.”


“The ten other Gods who assisted in the creation are inferior to Talges, you must know. While Derrien, a strong and powerful ally of Talges, and Maloris, the cruel and barbaric trickster, along with the sinister Forge Master Valcus created Dun-I from the void, it wasn’t until Talges, the benevolent God we worship and another ally, Zailyne, The God of the Tides, came together to make Dun-I inhabitable. Without their combined knowledge, we would not be here today.”


Vesya may look down upon us and create the laws of this world, but we only serve one master. While there are other Gods who we are forced to share dominion with, our devotion is to only one. We respect Zailyne, Derrien, and Saeria for their alliances, but our love is only for Talges.”


The man in front of you walks over to a small table and picks up a green amulet. “The knowledge of the Gods is something that cannot be understated or even completely understood,” he says proudly while holding up the amulet. “It’s with their knowledge that we become stronger. It’s with their knowledge that we become closer to them. It’s with their knowledge, we’re able to serve them better.


The man steps back from the table and looked at you. He examines your clothes and your weapon and notices something peculiar about you. “You already possess knowledge from another God, stranger,” he acknowledges as he glares at you. “You dare come before me, before the devout and loyal followers of Talges, carrying relics and trinkets of another. You, are nothing but a heretic and do not deserve to be here. Followers, dismiss this foul heretic and bring me that trinket!”


Commence Battle with Talges Follower x 4


The followers drop to the ground and dissipate into the wind, leaving only their leader in front of them. “The power the other Gods give you is impressive, but nothing compares to the full might of Talges!”


Commence Battle with Talges Priest x 1


The Priest steps back, having just been defeated. He looks at you with scorn as a wry smile comes over him. His skin begins to glow with a pale white as his eyes gloss over and his pupils disappear. His eyes are pale white with the clear sky above him turning grey. Loud thunderclaps fill the area as you see lightning strikes in the distance. The Priest, now appearing to be more ominous than ever, floats in the sky above you. Lightning strikes across the sky and comes down, hitting the Priest directly in his chest and illuminating his body.


You step back as the Priest appears to be more ominous than ever. His robes are hovering in the air as he looks down on you from the air, bringing down lightning with him that strikes all around. The wind is howling louder and louder as he comes into strike.


Commence Battle with Air Elemental


You look around to see the courtyard is destroyed. The winds have calmed down but the sky remains a dark grey. You step forward to see the amulet still on the ground.


Acquire one of the following: Shard of the Cleric, Shard of Resurrection, Shard of Perception, Shard of the Initiate, Shard of the Trickster


Behind you, the house appears again in its disheveled appearance. You stare at it as something appears different. Slowly, the house fades away and you’re left in the center of a round field. The bramble still surrounds the area where you’re standing, but now, it is completely vacant.


The wind has calmed down and a gentle breeze blows across your skin. It puts goosebumps on your forearms as you try to reconcile what has happened and where you will have to go next. The harsh thicket that surrounds the area is too dense to make it through, leaving you without the option of forcing your way out.


You stand still and hear a clap behind you, forcing you to turn to see the shaman from earlier clapping his hands. You feel as if he has something to do with this and is the key to your exit. He places his hands out and, on the far side of the thicket, creates an opening for you to walk through.


A sinister grin appears of his dark face as he disappears again into the air, but an opening has appeared before you. You walk down the trail and find yourself in a large clearing. Bramble surrounds the walls to the outside, but the area inside is very open. In front of you, several headstones are in line, three rows deep, with an alter just behind it. The sky above is still a dark grey with ominous clouds filling the sky. 


You walk forward, looking ahead to see a young girl laying on the altar. Behind her, the shaman from earlier is standing behind her with his staff out. He smiles while he slams the bottom of his staff into the ground. The graves in front of the altar begin to quake as skeletons emerge. Skin is hanging off of their bones as they claw their way out of the ground. They stare at you with a blank gaze as they lurch forward, following the orders of their master.


Commence Battle Lesser Zombie x 5


The five creatures fall to the ground with their bones falling apart at the joint and their skin appearing to melt off. They fall in a heap while another wave approaches without much time for a rest. 


Commence Battle Lesser Zombie x 5


The undead are on the ground, motionless after being defeated. The shaman walks out from behind the altar and smiles. He holds his staff in the air as a green aura surrounds the top of it. The same aura of a faint green color, surrounds the fallen zombies. They float in the air as their bodies start to come together as one. After a few short moments, the bones and flesh comes together and creates a massive, undead creature. The shaman smiles as you look upon his creation. He stands beside the construct and smiles before walking forward, finally ready to engage you. 


Commence Battle with Feathered Shaman and Zombie Construct


The shaman falls to the ground and his creation falls apart. You run past his corpse and up to the altar to find the young girl you were sent in after. She is motionless but appears to be alive. With a calm smile, you feel as if your mission is complete.


You reach forward to pick her up, only to be knocked backwards. The girls body begins to glow a faint green, the same as what took the zombies earlier. You look on with a concerned gaze as she sits up and turns toward you. Her eyes are a pale white while her skin is still glowing green. “It’s too late for you,” she says while affixing her gaze upon you. “Talges will have his revenge on Dun-I.”


The little girl has been possessed by the Shaman, who was a devout follower of the God of the Atmosphere. She holds out her hands and a green aura overtakes your body. You are tossed several feet in the air and back to the area you started, in front of the altar to look up at her. She walks forward, her pink dress is flowing majestically as the wind around her begins to sway.


In front of the altar, the construct rises to his feet again, this time under the control of the young girl. You sense an incredible power resonating from her small body. She holds out both hands and summons two tornadoes, sending them toward you and forcing you to dive out of the way. The headstones that marked the graves of the zombies are tossed into the air as the tornadoes ravage the area. She sends them back toward you.


Commence Battle with Air Elemental x 2, Zombie Construct, and Possessed Girl


The girls body drops to the ground in front of you, as does the construct. The sky clears up and the sun shines through, illuminating the area. The bramble behind you disappears, leading you to the exit. You look forward to the altar though and see several things there, potentially used as a sacrifice at some point. You walk up and collect them, defiling the God they were meant to please but also opting for better equipment.


Acquire one of the following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Spear, Brass Dagger


Acquire one of the following: Brass Helm, Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield, Brass Crown


Acquire one of the following: Brass Scythe, Simple Bow, Wooden Scepter, Wool Robe


All Players Gain 400 Shard Experience


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store

Continue Down the Dark Trail

You walk down the trail and find yourself in a large clearing. Bramble surrounds the walls to the outside, but the area inside is very open. In front of you, several headstones are in line, three rows deep, with an alter just behind it. The sky above is still a dark grey with ominous clouds filling the sky. 


You walk forward, looking ahead to see a young girl laying on the altar. Behind her, the shaman from earlier is standing behind her with his staff out. He smiles while he slams the bottom of his staff into the ground. The graves in front of the altar begin to quake as skeletons emerge. Skin is hanging off of their bones as they claw their way out of the ground. They stare at you with a blank gaze as they lurch forward, following the orders of their master.


Commence Battle Lesser Zombie x 5


The five creatures fall to the ground with their bones falling apart at the joint and their skin appearing to melt off. They fall in a heap while another wave approaches without much time for a rest. 


Commence Battle Lesser Zombie x 5


The undead are on the ground, motionless after being defeated. The shaman walks out from behind the altar and smiles. He holds his staff in the air as a green aura surrounds the top of it. The same aura of a faint green color, surrounds the fallen zombies. They float in the air as their bodies start to come together as one. After a few short moments, the bones and flesh comes together and creates a massive, undead creature. The shaman smiles as you look upon his creation. He stands beside the construct and smiles before walking forward, finally ready to engage you. 


Commence Battle with Feathered Shaman and Zombie Construct


The shaman falls to the ground and his creation falls apart. You run past his corpse and up to the altar to find the young girl you were sent in after. She is motionless but appears to be alive. With a calm smile, you feel as if your mission is complete.


You reach forward to pick her up, only to be knocked backwards. The girls body begins to glow a faint green, the same as what took the zombies earlier. You look on with a concerned gaze as she sits up and turns toward you. Her eyes are a pale white while her skin is still glowing green. “It’s too late for you,” she says while affixing her gaze upon you. “Talges will have his revenge on Dun-I.”


The little girl has been possessed by the Shaman, who was a devout follower of the God of the Atmosphere. She holds out her hands and a green aura overtakes your body. You are tossed several feet in the air and back to the area you started, in front of the altar to look up at her. She walks forward, her pink dress is flowing majestically as the wind around her begins to sway.


In front of the altar, the construct rises to his feet again, this time under the control of the young girl. You sense an incredible power resonating from her small body. She holds out both hands and summons two tornadoes, sending them toward you and forcing you to dive out of the way. The headstones that marked the graves of the zombies are tossed into the air as the tornadoes ravage the area. She sends them back toward you.


Commence Battle with Air Elemental x 2, Zombie Construct, and Possessed Girl


The girls body drops to the ground in front of you, as does the construct. The sky clears up and the sun shines through, illuminating the area. The bramble behind you disappears, leading you to the exit. You look forward to the altar though and see several things there, potentially used as a sacrifice at some point. You walk up and collect them, defiling the God they were meant to please but also opting for better equipment.


Acquire one of the following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Spear, Brass Dagger


Acquire one of the following: Brass Helm, Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield, Brass Crown


Acquire one of the following: Brass Scythe, Simple Bow, Wooden Scepter, Wool Robe


All Players Gain 400 Shard Experience


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store

The Underground Oasis

You walk in to find a very open area underneath the ground. A river is flowing slowly through the area and in to a waterfall, which is tricking down to your left. The room is very brightly lit, with vibrant flowers providing the source of the light. You walk into the area to see three Naga patrolling the area, slithering along the solid ground in between the bright flowers. As they make their way through a short turn, they spot you immediately and charge in with their spears drawn.


Commence Battle with Lesser Naga x 3


The three soldiers fall to the ground with their serpent tails thudding against the soft ground beside the path. The area is quiet, minus the sounds of the water flowing toward the waterfall. You take a moment to inspect the area, seeing several feathery headdresses scattered about with skeletal remains near them.


“They feed on merchants and adventurers foolish enough to get lost in here,” announces a young girl from behind you. She’s wearing a blue robe with a  golden sash to the side. Her skin is very tanned and her hair is short and black. Her eyes are soft while she was somewhat short, compared to most of the women you know. “Which makes me wonder how you found yourself into this cornucopia of evil.”


You look at her with a confused glance, not expecting to find another human. “My name is Shyterria, and I’ve been dispatched here by the Soldiers of Derrien to examine why people keep disappearing into this cave." She crosses her arms and looks past you, gazing further into the oasis while you stand their awkwardly beside her. 


You tell her that you were sent in here by some travelers whose daughter was kidnapped by some bandits and you believe they brought her in here. “It’s unfortunate, but the tribe who inhabit the lands outside of this cave tend to capture people to sacrifice for their God, Talges. They also use them to barter with the Naga in this cave, who worship Zailyne. There is a chance she is in this cave if you travel further.”


You nod slowly as you look around, trying to find the entrance to the next area. “It’s over here,” she says as she motions for you to follow her. “Maybe we can help each other out for a bit.”


Shyterria joins your party (NPCs act similar to enemies. Consult the rules for more information: Rules and Systems)



You walk into the next room with Shyterria leading the way. You move in to find a square platform in the center of the room with water surrounding it. There is a bronze door on the far end of the room and a statue of a Naga in each corner of the square platform. The walls are a white with a blue hue and the water around the square is shallow.


Shyterria walks into the center of the square and looks at the four statues as you follow her. “These statues are all of the Naga’s ancestors and leaders,” she explains softly. “The Naga believe that these four ancestors were chosen by Zailyne to give them guidance and protection no matter the times, dark or light.”


You stare at the first statue, looking at the distinct facial features as Shyterria walks around the room and examines each of the statues. As she walks to the third statue, the bronze door at the end of the room opens up. A large Naga, followed by four smaller warriors, walk out. “Who dares to trespass in the room of the Ancients!?” he screams as he looks at you and Shyterria.


“I am!” shouts Shyterria as she steps to the center of the square. She holds a firm gaze as the large Naga move toward her, stopping at the start of the square while keeping his gaze on the smaller human. “My name is Shyterria, the Tide Caller, and I’ve been sent by the Soldiers of Derrien to stop you foul creatures from abducting anyone else.”


The Large Naga smiles as he slides toward her with the four smaller warrior Naga in tow. “The Soldiers of Derrien sent you to stop us?” questions the large Naga coyly. “Why would they send such a lowly creature like yourself into our depths? Why wouldn’t they send those who are a bit more, powerful? Why wouldn’t they send someone who possesses more than a single shard that controls the currents around us?” he asks sarcastically while gesturing to the water around them. 


“I’m far more powerful than you give me credit for, beast,” she replies sharply and confidently. “Care to find out?”


The Naga laughs sinisterly as he points for the four warriors to attack the Tidecaller.


Commence Battle with Lesser Naga x 4


The Larger Naga looks on in horror as you and Shyterria dispatch the Naga warriors. Two smaller Naga appear and stand beside him as he waits impatiently. He seethes in anger before charging toward you with a massive spear in tow with the two smaller Naga following him. 


Commence Battle with Naga Master and Lesser Naga Priestess x 2


The waters recede as Shyterria remains still, her hands out at her side with her palms facing the ceiling. Her powers are on full display. She controls the water with ease and can wield it as a weapon more powerful than the sharpest blades. You walk over and search the bodies of the fallen creatures. On the large Naga, you find a weapon that could help you on your travels.


Acquire: Brass Sword


“Come on,” she states as she points at the bronze door. “We have a bit further to go.”


Shyterria walks into the next room with you in tow to find several small fountains along a linear path. At the end of the path, a throne is positioned atop a flight of white stairs. Shyterria leads the way, walking forward to see several Naga swimming up from the deep water to stand beside the path as you walk by. The Naga, visually angered by your presence remain still and fume as you and Shyterria move toward the throne.


As you approach, you notice that sitting atop the throne is not a Naga, but a human male. He stands up and looks down at you and Shyterria, smiling as you approach. He claps his hands softly in approval as you make your way to the steps.


Shyterria's eyes light up in surprise as she gazes up at the throne. “Bebel, you’re alive?” asks a shocked and perplexed Shyterria. “I saw the Naga pull you under. I saw them…”


Bebel struts forward off of the throne and down the stairs to greet you and Shyterria. He is a slender man with jet black hair and smooth facial features. He approaches and places his hand on Shyterria’s cheek, caressing it softly while looking into her eyes. “How are you?” he asks softly.


“I saw you…”


“I know,” he continues. “I know what you saw.”


“But how are you alive?” questions Shyterria. “The Naga pulled you in. The Naga tried to drown you.”


Bebel smirks while trying to comfort Shyterria. “The power of Zailyne kept me alive. The power within the shard I keep around my neck saved my life.”


Shyterria appears quite confused. “How?”


Bebel steps away from Shyterria and walks back toward the throne. “The Naga respect the power of Zailyne, Shyterria. The Naga worship that power. As I was being submerged, I showed them what I am truly capable of." He pauses briefly and closes his eyes while grasping the shard hanging from the pendant on his neck. "They believe me to be the second coming of Zailyne.”


Shyterria giggles innocently. “Are you serious?”


“I’m very serious,” answers a smug Bebel.


“What power do you possess that would make these creatures view you as a God?” asks Shyterria. “You had the power to animate objects and turn them into serpents.”


Bebel smiles as he turns away from Shyterria. “I have a much more impressive skill that I never took the time to show you,” he remarks softly before turning back around. His eyes are glowing light blue as he looks into Shyterria’s eyes. “My master has taught me a few things as well.”


“Your master?” questions Shyterria.


“Nathair,” Bebel states with a smile across his face. As the name of his dark master slips off of his lips, the waters around the path started to become rough. You turn around to see a large serpent swimming through the deep water.


Shyterria turns to see the serpent swimming in the water. “What is that?”


“The real power of my shard,” decrees Bebel proudly. “Come up here and watch him feast on your friends. I promise it will be gratifying.”


The Serpent, Leviathan, rises up out of the water and screeches ferociously. As he arches his serpent spine, you notice the deep blue eyes and the reflective scales across his giant body. Shyterria sprints forward, leaping in front of it with her hands out. Waves crash around her arms and slam into the face of the serpent, though he is undeterred and ready to strike. 


Commence Battle with Leviathan


The serpent, defeated but not dead, descends back into the depths of the water while the Naga looked on angrily. Bebel’s eyes turns back to their normal white while looking down from his throne. He peers at the Naga and motion for them to attack.


Commence Battle with Minor Naga x 2 and Lesser Naga Priestess x 2


Upon defeating the Naga, you look back to see the throne empty, with a door to the far side open. The Naga have all descended into the depths with the Leviathan, leaving you only one way to go. Shyterria takes off in a sprint up the stairs, hoping to find out more.


You walk in to find Bebel kneeling in the center of the room. In front of him, four pedestals are positioned in a row. In the center pedestal, you look to see the young girl you were sent to find. Her skin is blue and she isn’t moving.


“I don’t think she’s alive,” whispers Shyterria as she walks into the room. “I’m terribly sorry.”


You shake your head as you continue into the room with Shyterria leading the way. She walks up behind Bebel and stands still, waiting for him to respond. “Do you know how hard it was for me to fit in with your people?” he asks calmly while remaining on his knees. “Do you know how difficult it was for me to simply live my life and just get by.”


“You were a powerful caster,” Shyterria states calmly.


“I was average at best,” snaps Bebel as he springs to his feet. “I was being held back by the teachings of restraint. The Soldiers of Derrien are powerful, but would be even more so if they would embrace there raw ability.”


“The Soldiers of Derrien yearn for peace and balance, not for carnage and destruction. You crave for a world that the Soldiers of Derrien will always fight against.” lectures Shyterria. “Bebel, come back with me. I promise, we can make things right.”


“There is no right anymore,” he says softly as he gazes into Shyterria’s eyes. “There is only the power that I crave. There is only the will of my master.”


“Your master is vile!”


“My master is powerful!” yells Bebel angrily. Water around the area shot up into the ceiling as Bebel seethes furiously. He walks toward the pedestal and leaps onto one of them. The pedestal descends down into the depths while four more descended from the ceiling. On those pedestals, four large Naga appear ready for combat. They leap off of the pedestals and charged.


Commence Battle with Naga Master x 4


After the battle, you and Shyterria run to the pedestals in hopes to follow Bebel into the depths. However, these pedestals rise to the ceiling instead of descending. You find yourself standing in a small cave beside the river where the trail is. The pedestals disappear, leaving you no other way in without starting back at the base of the cave.


“I have to report back and tell my commander that Bebel is still alive and that he is now following the direction of servant of Latros,” Shyterria quips angrily. “I swear to you, if I ever run into that foul servant of Latros, Nathair, I will do everything in my power to put an end to him. He’s quite powerful, but I will stand up to him. I will defeat him.”


You nod as she seethes in determination. “Here, take these,” she says as she pulls a few things out of her bags.


Acquire one of the following: Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Spear, Brass Dagger


Acquire one of the following: Brass Helm, Brass Shield, Thick Wooden Shield, Brass Crown


Acquire one of the following: Brass Scythe, Simple Bow, Wooden Scepter, Wool Robe


“I’m sorry the girl you were sent after is dead. Dun-I is a cruel world and death is just the most common actor in it.” Shyterria walks away from the cave, leaving your party and traveling up the trail.


All players gain 400 Shard Experience.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Air Elemental

Air Elemental Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
150 3 1 9 21
Violent Gust (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Wind Shear (16+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.

Banshee Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
100 2 1 6 14
Haunt (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target's PHY and MAG are reduced by 2 for the remainder of the encounter. This ability stacks.

Beatrice Mega-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
800 4 2 8 21
Equip Beatrice plays two cards, both for damage, each turn. Each card played will have to draw for a new target. The first one will hit as a basic attack unless it activate an ability. The second one follows the same mechanic.
Wing Cutter (11+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Remove 1 card from that player’s field. If a card cannot be removed, discard 2 cards. If 2 cards cannot be discarded, target takes an additional 30 damage.
Wing Blast (14+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Remove 1 card from each player’s field. If a card cannot be removed, that player must discard 2 cards. If 2 cards cannot be discarded, player takes an additional 30 damage.
Tornado (18+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Remove all cards from each players field.

Direbear Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
180 6 9 3 3
Maul (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Fearful Roar (19+) All enemies discard a card. All enemies are Numb for 1 turn.
Elder Banshee

Elder Banshee Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
150 3 1 9 14
Haunt (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target's PHY and MAG are reduced by 2 for the remainder of the encounter. This ability stacks.
Curse (16+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Target is Numb and cannot deploy an abilities for two turns.
Feathered Champion

Feathered Champion Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
120 6 5 0 7
Spear (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Poisoned and takes 7 damage at the start of his or her turn for the next three turns.
Overpower (16+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Stunned for 1 turn.
Feathered Shaman

Feathered Shaman Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
180 2 3 12 12
Curse (7+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Target is Numb for 2 turns.
Chant (12+)  Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Two targets, selected at random, are inflicted with Numb for two turns.
Reanimate Feathered Warrior (20+) Summon a Reanimated Feather Warrior to the Battlefield.
Feathered Warrior

Feathered Warrior Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
80 2 7 2 9
Spear (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Poisoned and takes 7 damage at the start of his or her turn for the next three turns.

Harpy Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
110 2 7 0 6
Claw (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Feather Storm (19+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Paralyzed for 2 turns.
Harpy King

Harpy King Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
320 6 9 4 6
Claw (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Feather Storm (14+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Paralyzed for 2 turns.
Summon (20+) Summon a Lesser Harpy into the Arena.
Lesser Harpy

Lesser Harpy Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
50 2 5 2 9
Claw (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Lesser Naga

Lesser Naga Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
70 2 5 2 9
Prod (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Lesser Naga Priestess

Lesser Naga Priestess Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
60 0 0 7 9
Bubble (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Players is encapsulated in a bubble and is suspended over the field and unable to act until the bubble is burst. Bubble has 10 HP.
Lesser Zombie

Lesser Zombie Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
40 0 3 0 16
Mindless Swipe (12+) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Damaged target is unable to target Lesser Zombie for the next 3 turns unless he is the only remaining target.

Leviathan Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
490 4 4 7 6
Tail Strike (11+) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target must discard a card from his or her hand or take an additional 10 damage.
Tidal Wave (14+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus plus 10.
Capsize (20+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All player's fields are discarded immediately.
Minor Naga

Minor Naga Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
115 2 5 2 9
Prod (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Naga Master

Naga Master Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
150 4 4 2 12
Prod (12+) Deal physical damage to a target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Bubble (15+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Players is encapsulated in a bubble and is suspended over the field and unable to act until the bubble is burst. Bubble has 10 HP.
Possessed Girl

Possessed Girl Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
170 2 1 7 10
Soulless Flay (12+) Deal magical damage to a target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. If target has one card or less in their field, target is Numb for 2 turns.
Absorbing Shield (19+) Creates a shield around the target that absorbs all physical and magical bonuses when targeted and restores the Possessed Girl's health. Regular damage still counts as normal.
Reanimated Feathered Champion

Reanimated Feathered Champion Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
90 4 3 0 9
Spear (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Poisoned and takes 7 damage at the start of his or her turn for the next three turns.
Overpower (16+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Stunned for 1 turn.
Reanimated Feathered Warrior

Reanimated Feathered Warrior Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
60 0 5 0 12
Spear (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Poisoned and takes 7 damage at the start of his or her turn for the next three turns.
Talges Follower

Talges Follower Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
50 0 0 6 9
Forceful Gust (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Talges Priest

Talges Priest Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
125 3 1 7 14
Violent Gust (12+) Deal magical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Wind Shear (16+) Deal magical damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Zombie Construct

Zombie Construct Mini-Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
160 4 6 0 10
Power Slam (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical damage.
Sweeping Strike (14+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus 10.


Shyterria Fey Forest NPC
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
110 1 1 8 12
Wave (8+) Select a target for Shyterria. Deal magical damage to the target equal to the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Tidal Crash(13+) Deal magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Deluge (19+) Deal magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Each enemy must discard their highest valued card in the field.