An Interactive Novel

Shard of Perception

Shard of Perception
Role Damage, Manipulative
Total XP for Level 2 1500 Level 2 Bonus Physical +5, Magical +5
Total XP for Level 3 2500 Level 3 Bonus Physical +8, Magical +8
Enhanced Quiver (Discard) Your next basic attack or ability that is physical will apply your magical bonus as well. Must have a bow equipped.
Aim (Sacrifice) Remove target’s defensive bonus for one turn for the total amount of the card sacrificed. Defensive bonus is recovered upon being hit.
Piercing Arrow (Flush) Deal physical damage to a single target equal to the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Attack ignores enemy’s defense. Must have a bow equipped.
Arcane Arrow (Straight) Deal magical damage to a single target equal to the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. Hold one card in your field while discarding the remaining two. Draw a card. Must have a bow equipped.
Detonation (3 of a Kind) Deal magical damage to all enemies equal to the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All enemies must discard their fields.