An Interactive Novel



The SINS (Scribbcrib Interactive Novel System) is the system in which the players will use to participate in By Gods and Kings. SINS is very different from other tabletop systems that you may or may not have come across, in that it is meant to be accessible to anyone who comes across it. SINS utilizes familiarity to other more common and mainstream games that help to bring people into the game who would typically stray away from the more complex systems.


SINS centers on the concept that a great narrative makes a great experience. Unlike other Tabletop RPGs, the SINS system relies completely on the narrator crafting a story with choices versus leaving it open-ended. It is less about the players exploring areas and more the players immersing themselves in an interactive narrative. There is no need to roll to see what’s in a room: you’ll find out the moment you walk in. In the SINS system, we assume that your eyes work and there’s no need to look around and try to spot what’s there. There is also no need to try and listen for things. If you hear something, the narrator will tell you that you hear it. To sum up, you don’t have to worry about something in the room preventing you from continuing on. There are no gates up to stop you. Your choices progress the narrative and you’ll be aware of all of the choices.


Instead of using dice to control the flow of the game, SINS uses standard playing cards (52 card deck with 4 suits of 13 cards, Ace through King). Unlike other systems, SINS uses a mechanic within the playing cards that allows the game master to play with the table. Players will have a hand of five cards and will place cards face up in front of them. That cards stays out in front of you until you use it for a different purpose. By playing the card face up, the Players will try to make hands, just as they would in other card games. Flushes, Straights, and 3 of a Kind are the goals for players, with a couple of other mechanics (Sacrificing the card, discarding it from the field, or discarding a card from your hand).


Statistics in the SINS system is meant to be easy to understand. Instead of having different stats for different attributes, SINS has a single stat for physical damage and  single stat for special damage (In By Gods and Kings, special damage is referred to as magical damage). In other games, special damage can be interpreted as something that does not require muscles or strength to use.


SINS also focuses on accessibility. Instead of spending hours to create a character, you can create one in a matter of minutes. In terms of equipment, you can only have up to 4 pieces equipped at one time, not including ability generating accessories (In By Gods and Kings, these are the Shards). Those pieces are two pieces of armor, a full body set and a head piece, a weapon, and off-hand equipped piece of gear, if applicable (if you’re using a piece of equipment that requires both hands, you cannot use something in your off-hand). Characters are also already created for you in the event you don’t want to create your own, so to make it possible to start immediately.


