An Interactive Novel

The Or’tel Gardens


Must Have Completed The Or’Tel Warehouse Prior to Commencing this Scenario

The Garden

You enter the Gardens to find it empty. Beautiful, lush trees are lining a rocky path with several benches on both sides. Ahead of you, a large, stone building stands where the path leads with several trees and shrubs in front of it.


You continue on the path, reaching the front door to find it locked. You look at the large, wooden door and wait to hear something, whether an explosion from inside or the screams of those suffering from Jerikko’s wrath. The door starts to creak slowly as the squeals come from the rusty hinges attaching it to the stone. The door opens, revealing four surprised syndicate soldiers. They draw their weapons quickly and charge toward you.


Commence Battle with Syndicate Warrior x 4


The surprised soldiers all fall to the ground and the door to the inside of the building is open. Jerikko asked you to cause a disturbance in the courtyard, though without anyone there, it would be impossible to do so. You take a step back from the door and hear a shout from behind you, alerting you that four other warriors have seen you and start charging at you from behind.


Commence Battle with Syndicate Knight x 2 and Syndicate Mage x 2


Inside the building, you hear a very loud explosion. You turn quickly and look back toward the door to find a streaking, dark-haired Merevo running away from a horde of Syndicate warriors. His hands are glowing a bright white as he runs away from the soldiers; his blue robes are swaying in the wind. He dives forward and turns his body over in the air. He holds his hands forward and releases a powerful volley of arcane energy at the arch above the door. The energy hits the stone cleanly and drops several large hunks of stone down to the ground. The way into the building is blocked and none of the warriors can give chase.


“I wouldn’t go in there,” announces Merevo as he remains on the ground, looking up at the door to see path completely blocked. He rolls over onto his knees and pushes himself up to his feet. “I think my brother bit off slightly more than he could chew,” he continues as he walks toward you with his hands on his side. With heavy breaths, he looks at you in the eyes with a wry smile. “I think this is going to get a lot more complicated.”


Merevo points over to a side path where the last set of soldiers came in at you. “There will be more coming through there shortly. Be ready for anything."


Merevo Joins Your Party (NPCs act similar to enemies. Consult the rules for more information: Rules and Systems).


You walk toward the other door to see it open. You listen out, hearing the rustling of people preparing to come toward you. As you hold your ground with Merevo at your side, you see soldiers emerge from the building, all charging in for the kill.


Commence Battle with Syndicate Warrior x 2, Syndicate Archer x 2, Syndicate Mage, and Syndicate Cleric 


Merevo looks down at the fallen soldiers as you dispatch of them with relative ease. He smirks as his hands glow white again with six more warriors charging toward you.


Commence Battle with Syndicate Knight x 3, Syndicate Warrior x 2, and Syndicate Cleric


Bodies of soldiers are scattered about the area as you look forward. The path inside is clear as you hear loud, blood curdling screams from inside. Merevo’s eyes open wide as he starts to move toward the noise. “Come on!” he shouts as he motions for you to follow him. Without hesitation, you follow him blindly into the building.


You walk in to find the building in shambles. The stone walls have debris to the side of them while the ceilings have partially fallen in. The floor is covered in rubble, making it difficult to walk toward the bellowing screams. You step over the rubble and make your way to the center of the building to find bodies strewn about with pools of blood all around them and holes blown all through their body.


An angry Jerikko stands in front of the final Or’tel Warrior in the room. “Where is the shard!?” he screams in anger as the warrior looks up at him in a panic. Jerikko is incensed with rage as he holds his hands in front of the warrior. A bright gold orb appears in his hand with immense heat radiating from it.


“We don’t have a shard!” screams the warrior fearfully, afraid of what was to come.


“Liar!” shouts Jerikko as the golden light from his hands erupt toward the soldier hitting the soldier in the chest. The soldier’s eyes glow bright gold as his body explodes with Jerikko screaming loudly.


Jerikko turned around as the remnants of the soldier plastered the walls and the floor. “I told you there wasn’t a shard here,” states a smug Merevo as he crosses his arms and stares up at his brother.


Jerikko fumes as he looks down to Merevo. “How did you know?”


“Because this is a training ground, not a locale for jobs,” explains Merevo. “Why would you have a shard around people you are training to fight? Why would you have that power here? You don’t need it here.”


Jerikko stands still as he rationalizes what Merevo is saying. “Then where would these fools have another shard, brother?”


Merevo shrugs his shoulders. “We will ask around and I’m sure we will find another one. We will research and we will investigate where another shard is. Relax brother, we will find another shard for you.”


Jerikko relaxes a bit and walked down toward Merevo. “Fine,” he says calmly. “Thank you all for coming. Here’s some gold for your trouble.”


The Party Receives 300 Gold.


All Players Receive 300 Shard Experience.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Syndicate Archer
Syndicate Archer Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
50 0 9 0 14
Barrage (12+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Syndicate Cleric
Syndicate Cleric Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
30 0 0 8 10
Healing Mist (12+) Heal all allies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Syndicate Mage
Syndicate Mage Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
40 0 0 13 11
Energy Blast (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Syndicate Knight
Syndicate Knight Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
70 7 7 0 8
Shield Bash (12+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is Stunned for 1 turn.
Syndicate Warrior
Syndicate Warrior Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
60 0 4 0 12
Wallop (14+) Deal physical damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus plus ten. Attack ignores target’s defensive bonus and reduces physical bonus by four for three turns.
Merevo Sunshire Stockades NPC
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
110 3 0 6 5
Blast (12+) Select a target for Merevo. Deal magical damage to the target for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus.
Knowledgable Wave (15+) Deal magical damage to all enemies for the total amount of the cards plus magical bonus. All targets lose 3 defense for the next 4 turns.

