An Interactive Novel

The Judge’s Chamber


You are sitting at a small cafe on the banks of the river, trying to relax a bit from your adventures. The food is delectable as you chew on it slowly, watching the boats come in on from the river and dock at the harbor. A smile comes across your face as you finally relax. You sit back in the chair and cross your arms as a breeze comes in and blows across your face.


The waiter walks up to your chair and stands in front of the table. “Thank you for visiting today,” he says politely. “Your meal has been taken care of by another of our patrons. Please, if you need anything else, please let me know.” He walks away from the table, leaving you with a bewildered look across your face.


You look out at the river again as a woman comes and sits down in front of you. “I hope you don’t mind me taking care of your meal,” announced Kerriges. “The water is beautiful and this cafe is just serene. I can understand why you’re spending time here.”


She turns and looks at you with a awkward smirk. “I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I need a job from someone with your skills,” she says slowly. “One of my girls was taken from my mansion last night and hasn’t returned. Now, while it isn’t unusual for one of my girls to go home with a patron, they always come back that night to let me know that they’re alive. The last thing I want is for one of my girls to get hurt or killed.”


“She went out with a servant of the court last night. He’s a fairly powerful maritime judge, but I need you to head to the court and see if she’s still there. Depending on how you find her will be how you leave the judge,” she continued. “Whatever you find there is yours for your payment. Just please, find her and make sure she is safe.”


You push back from the table and head to the courthouse, hoping to find the girl you’re looking for.

The Judge's Chamber

You walk into the courthouse to find it empty. It’s incredibly quiet, almost ominously. You stand still in the foyer and listen, hoping to hear someone whimper or cry. As you’re standing there, you hear a faint scratching against a wall in one of the neighboring rooms. You walk through the hallway to find the door closed to the room where you heard the light scratching, You turn the door knob slowly and push the door open to find a young girl chained to the wall in the corner of the room. You push the door all the way open and walk in to find four men sitting in chairs around the room.


The four men stand up and reach for their weapons, surprised to see you walk in but protecting the Judge’s new possession.


Commence Battle with Bodyguard x 4


You run to the young girl as the bodyguards are all strewn about the floor. “Please, help me,” she says as she looks into your eyes with a sense of panic. “The judge keeps the key to these shackles on him at all time. You’ll have to get it from him.”


You step away from her and look at the pair of double doors at the end of the room. You walk toward the doors and place both of your hands on the brass knobs. With a soft exhale, you pull the two doors back to reveal the Judge’s chambers.


“Can I help you?” the Judge states as he turns around to look at you. He’s wearing a black robe and white wig, while carrying a large hammer that serves as his gavel. He looks at you closely as you walk in, but glances past you through the double doors to see all of his bodyguards on the ground. “She sent you, didn’t she?”


The judge fumes loudly as he steps toward you. “The girl belongs to me now, not that madam,” he shouts while pointing the large hammer. “I won’t let you take what’s rightfully mine!”


Commence Battle with Judge


The Judge is on his back with his robes open. His hammer is in shambles and the key to the shackles of the young girl is exposed. You walk over and grab the key, leaving the judge on the ground to bleed out.


As you walk out of the room, you see several pieces of armor, possibly from men that he’s sentenced to death, sitting in a crate.


Acquire One of the Following: Leather Getup, Copper Armor, Cotton Robe


Acquire One of the Following: Copper Shield, Simple Wooden Shield


You walk back through the double doors and over to the girl who is chained to the wall. You kneel down and release her from the shackles. “Thank you,” she says as she stands up embraces you for your help. “He was cruel and thought that, since he paid Madam Kerriges for me, I was his property.”


All players gain 300 shard experience.


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Bodyguard Minion
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
90 4 3 0 11
Ruthless Fist (15+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Bodyguard gains five physical bonus for their next basic attack.
Judge Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
300 7 2 0 4
Gavel Toss (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Gavel Strike (14+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Guilty! (18+) Deal damage to all targets for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. All targets lose 5 physical and magical bonus for two turns.