An Interactive Novel

The Blacksmith Shop


You’re walking along the streets of Sunshire while keeping your eyes out at what’s in front of you. You make a sharp turn down an alley, heading to one of the shops when you hear a light whistle to grab your attention. You turn your head to see a woman wearing a cloak to cover her face motioning for you to come talk to her.


You shuffle over to her position, hidden from the view of any passers-by and she removes her cloak. Kerriges is standing in front of you. “Hello there,” she says with a coy grin. “I hope you’ve been well. I have a job for someone with your qualifications.”


“One my patrons has refused to pay me for the services of my girls and I cannot have that,” she explains “He’s an old blacksmith at the edge of town. He does decent work and makes a good living, but last night, he came in, used my facilities, and then refused to pay and left before my enforcers could deal with him. I need you to go and collect payment.”


“Anything he has in there is yours,” she continues. “He makes good weaponry, so perhaps taking a few of those from him can suffice you as a payment for your troubles. Also, make sure he stays civil. The girls cannot stand seeing him come through the doors. He smells awful and doesn’t clean up well, but I don’t need him ruining my business in town. ”


You nod before stepping away from Kerriges, agreeing to complete the job for her.


The Blacksmith Shop

You walk into the shop to find a man standing in front of a large anvil, hammering what appears to be a large axe. He hears the door and turns around to see you walk in. He looks at your weapons and smirks before setting the hammer down beside the anvil and walking over to greet you.


“Shops closed,” he says gruffly as he looks you up and down. “Come back another time.”


You look around the shop and walk around the counter, approaching the blacksmith. “I said the shop is closed,” he exclaims in a very stern tone. “Or did that bitch send you here to start some trouble?”


He gets up close to you and breathes heavily. “She did, didn’t she?” he asks rhetorically as he takes a step back and grabs his axe. “That girl last night gave me an itch! If she thinks I’m going to pay for that, she’s got a lot of nerve!”


Commence Battle with Gruff Blacksmith


The Blacksmith falls to the ground, clutching his side and bleeding from his face. He’s breathing heavily as he looks up at you, motioning for you to walk over to small chest in the corner. “Just take what the bitch wants. Just tell her, I won’t be back in there and I promise I’ll make sure everyone in this town knows that her girls come with a little extra price”


You walk over to the chest and grab the few coins that are in there and pocket them. “Now get out of here!” shouts the blacksmith as you turn back to look at him. He reach down and grab his greasy hair, picking up his body and dragging him over to the forge. You place his head up against it and push it toward the fire, threatening him over speaking up about Kerriges’s business. “Fine! I’ll stay quiet!” he screams, pleading with you to release his head and pull him away from the forge. “Please, stop this! I won’t say a word!”


You step away from the forge, leaving the blacksmith to lean against it. You walk around the room, looking at all the weaponry. “Are you going to rob me now too?” he asks as he breathes heavily. “Fine, take a couple if you promise never to come back here.”


A smile comes across your face as you walk up to the wall to examine the fine blades the blacksmith has produced. You pull two of them off the wall, claiming them as your own to satisfy Kerriges’s payment.


Acquire Two of the Following (They do not have to be identical): Brass Spear, Brass Axe, Brass Greatsword, Brass Sword, Brass Dagger, Brass Scythe


All players gain 300 shard experience points


Scenario Complete. Visit the Store


Gruff Blacksmith
Gruff Blacksmith Boss
Hit Points Defense Physical Magic Speed
350 7 7 0 4
Pound (11+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus.
Shoulder Ram (14+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards plus physical bonus. Target is stunned for two turns and cannot draw a card.
Shatter (18+) Deal damage to a single target for the total amount of the cards. Target discards their entire field.