The Spark
ScribbCrib Blog / December 12, 2012

BY Chris Hamby 12/12/12 Creativity is something that begins and ends with an idea. The idea, over the course of its lifetime, will evolve from many different forms to several outrageous things. There is no controlling this, only accepting that the idea will grow until it finally manifests itself into its final monstrosity. The Spark is the beginning of several authors careers with Scribbcrib. The Spark will be our first anthology released by Scribbles Media. It will consist of ALL new authors in their first work with us, all relatively short works geared at showing off all of our new author talents. We also have several larger works coming, all in the editing phase right now with several more in the works, all spanning different genres to bring the best in entertainment to your fingertips. We are working hard to ensure that our product meets your standards, and it all begins with The Spark.

Social Media Away!
ScribbCrib Blog / December 12, 2012

Hi Cribbers. Valerie here. We have been going crazy with getting everything up and running for you all to make submissions an easy process. The best way is to use our Contact Us form. But! We also have a Facebook, Twitter, DeviantArt, and Pintrest to name a few. Feel free to contact us through any of our social media. We typically respond within a day.  And any questions, shoot them out way! We are building this business for you, the creative world. We want to hear your thoughts.